Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Faces in Child Labour

"The change starts within each one of us, and ends only when all children are free to be children.” – Craig Kielburger

Child labor is a global problem, it is not an easy issue to resolve in world due to varieties of reasons, such as abortion, abandoned, forced by parents and poverty is main reason. Many of these children are from very poor families and work to pay for their family or their education. At least 13% of the world's children are working, 94% are in the developing world.

Many countries had use child labour trying to grow their GDP growth rate, such as China, also Pakistan and India's government doesn't really take action into the issue of child labour. But the good news is that in 2006, the International Labour Organization published a report -"The End of Child Labour: Within Reach". One special fact mentioned in this report - in today’s' societies, there are 28 million fewer child labourers than there were in four years ago. This means the work that people trying to stop child labour had truly created a positive change in the face of world. But there is still much more to be done to resolve this issue.

" We are not trying to fully stop child labour but remember, we are trying to stop as much as we can and take them back to education
because they are the pillars of nation in the future!"

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