Sunday, January 17, 2010

Child labour -- India

The third country is India, in India. The children begin working at a young age and tender age. Many children have to work to help their families and some families expect their children to continue working to earn the money, even though they had enough money to afford education for their children. India is the nation with largest number of child labour in the world. Children is in suffering and endure miserable with difficult lives, they are having starvation wages to make only enough to feed themselves and their families. They can't or they do not go to school, more than half of them are unable to go to school to learn any skills. Poverty is the main reason behind this phenomenon. The ruthless poverty forces the parents push their children in all forms of hazardous work condition occupations. The Child labor is the only source of income for destitute families.

Also some children’s' are abandoned by their parents or sold to factory owners because those parent couldn't afford many children’s' in their families. The industries try to maintain competitive positions through low wages and low labor standards. The government in India has all the policies in accordance with the Constitution of India. It had supported the eradication of Child Labor, but although all these policies had exists, the problem of child labor still remains because enforcement, it is the key aspect of lacking efforts in the governments.

The girls in the picture are sisters, they were abandoned by their parents, in the picture, they selling popcorns, but the money they earn, parts of money would gave to the suppliers of corns, so they only have enough money to feed themselves and pay to the supplier of corns. This is a better situation in child labour because the sisters were being to save little money in their pocket.

The little girl in this picture have forced by her parent to work to support their family, she is working as a miner in India at the age of 6.

There is about 90% of child labourer in India, over 44 millions, as millions of child labourers working, varieties of jobs also had increased too. Types of jobs for children’s' in India such as newspaper work, miner, factory worker, salesman, households, and industries…etc. Apparently racism of gender also plays a role in India, female kids usually perform household, industries, agriculture this types of jobs. The male kids had usually perform jobs such as skilled, trained, physical works, which it has a better payments than the female kids. Obviously in India it prefers male kids for working. All these types of jobs had risks mentioned, like newspapers, their risk are jumping on and off the moving trolley cars to sell one newspapers, and the children who work as miner, they are the most dangerous because they might have disease in lung or cancers due to the dirty dusts they breath in. Children working in larger amount of time and work that their body couldn't afford would have lead to other health problems, which it might lead them death because they doesn't have proper medical treatments or didn't have a good care of medical treatment.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Faces in Child Labour

"The change starts within each one of us, and ends only when all children are free to be children.” – Craig Kielburger

Child labor is a global problem, it is not an easy issue to resolve in world due to varieties of reasons, such as abortion, abandoned, forced by parents and poverty is main reason. Many of these children are from very poor families and work to pay for their family or their education. At least 13% of the world's children are working, 94% are in the developing world.

Many countries had use child labour trying to grow their GDP growth rate, such as China, also Pakistan and India's government doesn't really take action into the issue of child labour. But the good news is that in 2006, the International Labour Organization published a report -"The End of Child Labour: Within Reach". One special fact mentioned in this report - in today’s' societies, there are 28 million fewer child labourers than there were in four years ago. This means the work that people trying to stop child labour had truly created a positive change in the face of world. But there is still much more to be done to resolve this issue.

" We are not trying to fully stop child labour but remember, we are trying to stop as much as we can and take them back to education
because they are the pillars of nation in the future!"

Friday, January 8, 2010

Child Labor - China : Abortion

Abortion in China has been an important means to enforce "China's One Child per Family Policy", in 2008, there are about 13 millions abortions been performed. Abortions is another major reason that caused child labor in China, because of abortions, many child have to survive by themselves. Especially, some of them are sisters and brother, so when the older went to work about 12 years old, they wait for the younger one until 6 or 8, then they will bring them to work.

The 2 girls in the picture were sisters that had been aborted by their parent, the older one (who wear the white shirt) is 12 years old, and the younger that behind her were 7 years old, they both working for this factory about 3 years.

Many child had lost their lives or had been injured from child labor, also, many child labor were from aged 5- 14 working full time in dangerous working conditions. In China, children try to escape poverty or school, so they turning to factories. Even it said that school children were also put out to work. They worked in sweatshops in exporting industries including garments, textiles, fireworks, and toys. They worked almost 10 -14 hours a day, and sometimes are required to extend work time to two 24 hour shifts a month in order to finish the product of the holiday demand for Christmas...etc (U.S. Department of Labor).

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Child labor in Pakistan

In Pakistan, the total number of child labor is falling in the age groups of 5-14 years old was 40 millions. The majority of child workers 73% were boys, the remaining 27% were girls, and more than half of the child workers 1.4 millions or 58.6% were working in Punjab province.

Children in Pakistan including boys and girls come from poor families; they needed to keep family members to ensure income security and survival. This makes very difficult for these families to invest their children into education, in fact, even the free public "education" is very costly for them, because they were expected to buy textbooks, school supplies, uniforms, and sometimes they even need to pay teacher's wages. Many families would have weighed the cost of sending their children to school and the income of sending their child to work.


Many child labor come from large family, it is very often that the families' only source of income is from the child, they tend to be rely on their children to gain the income for survival, only the lower age about 1-3, but when they are 5 or 6, they will begin to go to work. Many families lived on the street as their home or some of them were being abandoned by their parent, so they needed to gain money for their survival, mostly these children are the one who go for drugs.